
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

4C Update Tuesday March 31st

It was wonderful to connect with many of you on the phone yesterday. We enjoyed seeing many of the student videos and they probably enjoyed seeing each other’s faces.  Going forward, we have learned that we will be using Google Classroom as our online learning program. We will be spending most of this week learning how to use the program so that we can set up our classes, add content, as well as plan tasks and assignments. Please have your students check their Google email for an invitation to join their Google classroom. By accepting the invitation they will be able to access all information and future assignments. Please make sure that this done by Friday, April 3rd.

Today’s task - March 31st

Now that you had the chance to share your video with us about your break, we want you to write about it. Write a 3 paragraph journal entry about what you have been doing. The must haves for this assignment are:

Paragraph 1:

How has your household adjusted to this new normal of being physically isolated?

  • Include:
    • What is positive about it? Explain why?
    • What is negative about it? Explain why?
    • Do all of your family feel the same way about it?

Paragraph 2:

What are some of the activities you have been doing?

  • Include:
    • One physical activity - give details
    • One academic activity- include details
    • One fun activity

Paragraph 3:

What is something else you want to share?

  • This could include:
    • A friend you may miss from school
    • A favorite subject or activity that you miss doing
    • When life gets back to normal what will be the first thing you will do?
    • How are you keeping in touch with people you care about?

Students  can share their work with their teacher on Google Drive in their grade 4 folder or just write it in printed form. If your child is printing this assignment they can take a picture of it and email it to their teacher at .

We would like this to be completed by Friday April 3rd.

Monday, March 30, 2020

4C Update Monday March 30th

Hello Everyone!

I hope you and your family are safe and healthy and were able to enjoy Spring break. You will be notified this week when you can pick up school materials and belongings.

I am working on contacting each family in our classes by phone. If you do not receive a call by tomorrow please reach out to me by email -

I understand there has been plenty of uncertainty about what learning is going to look like moving forward. Thank you for your patience as we work through some necessary planning in preparation for resuming structured learning opportunities for your child. I can assure you that we are going to work on key learning outcomes at-home within the parameters established by the province and the CBE. This week we will choose an online learning platform and will be learning how to use the platform and plan tasks for the following week.

I have sent students a video saying hello. Please have your child click on the following link to access their Flipgrid account: If you have internet access, I would love to hear from your child by having them send me a video.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

4C Spring Break Update

Dear Parents,

We hope everyone is safe and healthy at this time. We miss seeing our students!! While we realize that the upcoming Spring Break will look different than what we are used to, we hope that you will be able to relax and spend quality time with your loved ones. The link below is a way you can discuss the current situation with your child.

Please note that all learning materials and non critical items like shoes etc. will be held at the school until after March break. Please watch for an email on the school website for the plan which will be posted after the break.

Here are some follow up activities or things to keep you busy during these quiet days:

Reading is a great activity for kids and your whole family. In addition to reading books of their choice they can access Tumblebooks
Username: calgarypl
Password: sd19

All students have a Prodigy account. If they cannot remember their account they can make a new account and use this code to access our class site. 
Class code: F2FEF8

In the meantime we don’t want you to worry and we will be in touch following Spring Break.  Stay safe and healthy!

Friday, March 13, 2020

4C Weekly Update March 13th


  • Congratulations to everyone in grade 4, the Heritage Fair projects were amazing! I hope you all enjoyed sharing family stories and histories while working on this project together. Thank you for helping your children complete this task. It was great to see them so excited at being able to share their stories with our school community. It was very disappointing for all involved that the evening portion of the Heritage Fair had to be canceled.  Sorry to all the parents that were unable to attend due to this, however the health and safety of students must come first. All projects were sent home with the students that were here yesterday. 


  • Winter Sports day has been postponed and rescheduled to Tuesday March12th, minus parent volunteers. Please send your children prepared for the weather, as we cannot accommodate students staying inside during this event.
  • Spring Break from Monday, March 23rd - Friday, March 27th
  • Students return to class on Monday March 30th

Mrs. Davidoff has asked us to pass on the following notice:

  • Schools have received information from Calgary Board of Education Communications in regards to gatherings from now until Spring Break.
  • Please note:
    • Events including the school and regular staff population of the school MAY continue. This includes events such as after school clubs, practices etc. Schools with scheduled field trips may still continue at this time.
    • Events that expand to include populations from other schools and/or parents or other community members should be postponed and further information will be provided after March break if they will be rescheduled or cancelled. This includes events such as Parent Teacher Interviews, school athletic competitions, drama/musical performances etc.
  • We have chosen to postpone the following:
    • March 19th and 20th - Parent Teacher Conferences
    • Thank you to all parents who have offered to volunteer for the book fair. We will create a new signup sheet when we reschedule Scholastic Book Fair.
    • We will reschedule our Parent Teacher Conferences at a later date.  At this time dismissal for Thursday March 19th will continue to be  EARLY DISMISSAL at 1:30 for Grades 1-6 as well as SKILL. Kindergarten there will be NO SCHOOL.
  • We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your support as we all share in these unique times.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4C Weekly Update March 6th


  • In math we have finished our Fractions unit and have moved on to Decimals.
  • We hope everyone is well on their way with their Heritage projects. We look forward to our Celebration of Learning on Thursday, March 12th where all our wonderful projects will be on display.


  • There will be a Winter Sports Day on Friday, March 13th from 12:00 to 1:15. Volunteers are needed for this event, please contact Mrs. Latham if you can help at
  • The Heritage project that is due on Wednesday March 11th and will be presented/shared on Thursday March 12th. Here are some important details regarding the project:
    • In class time to work on the project will be given to students in 4A/C the week of March 9th - March 11th. Please have students bring the information and materials they need to work on their project on Monday March 9th. 
    • Students need a visual presentation, if your family requires support to buy some supplies please contact your students teacher. They can create a poster, trifold, powerpoint presentation, scrapbook, etc..
    • If you are looking for a way to digitize the family tree portion of this assignment, have a look at this website:
    • There will be 2 parts of the Heritage Fair that you can plan to attend on March 12th
      • March 12th from 1:45pm to 3:15pm
      • March 12th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
  • Parent teacher Interviews March 19th and March 20th (You will be booking 15 minute time slots for a private interview)
    • Interview times on March 19th 2:30pm - 4:30pm and 5:30pm - 8:00pm
    • Interview times on March 20th 9:00am - 12:30pm
  • Thursday March 19th - early dismissal at 1:30
  • Friday March 20th - No School
  • Spring Break from Monday March 23rd - Friday March 27th
  • 2019 Child Care Tax Receipts to be given to students this week. These tax receipts are distributed to those parents that have paid for the lunch program. In past years parents would have received two Tax receipts, January-June and September-December. However, 2019 Child Care Tax Receipts distribution will differ. This is a transition year, where CBE are introducing a new fees management system. Therefore schools are provided with 2019 January - June receipts from the old system to send to parents. The 2019 August - December tax receipts can be downloaded by parents from the new system.