
Friday, September 20, 2019

4C Weekly Update September 20th

-In math we have been working on rounding numbers up to 10,000.
-We know what causes the Northern lights and what other light sources are. Ask us about where they come from.
-We are continuing to build our stamina by writing more every writing period.

-School Photos will be next week, September 23rd - 25th 
-September 26th Track and Field field trip all day, please wear comfortable sports clothing (shirt, shorts or jogging pants) and good running shoes. In the case of inclement weather, please make sure your child is layered up in extra warm clothing.
-Many volunteers are needed for the field trip, please contact the school if you are interested. 
-Terry Fox run is in the morning on September 27th.
-September 30th is Orange Shirt Day.